We like creating content here at CFRO, so when there are no shiny new products to test - we write quick articles that we think others will find useful.  We try to keep things humourous and light hearted in this section - we are going to speak our minds here, so we hope you find something useful.


If you have an original article that you have written - and it has not been published elsewhere - send it to us and if we think it fits with our content, you could see your article appear here !  Use the Contact Us page to get in touch.



2020 Articles


Which Drives are the Most Reliable ?

We speak to a data recovery firm as to which drives are the most reliable.  We also look at what happens when you drop a hard drive that is spinning!

Mac Imaging & Triage on a £1500 Budget!

Join me on a journey to discover how you could implement Apple forensics into your lab for peanuts.

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